SCAS News - 12 April, 2018

A Delegation from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Has Visited the Collegium

On Friday, 30 March, a delegation of representatives from the Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences (CASS) in Beijing visited the Swedish Collegium. The visitors met with SCAS Principal
B jörn Wittrock in order to review the existing bilateral cooperation between the two institutes,
as well as to continue the dialogue on how to further develop and reinforce the collaboration
between China and Sweden within the humanities and social sciences. The visit was a result of
the deeper contacts between SCAS and CASS that have been developed after the signing of a
Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutes and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond
in April 2014.

In addition to the President of CASS, Professor Wang Weiguang, the delegation consisted of Dr.
Wang Lei, Director General, International Cooperation Bureau, CASS; Professor Zhang Yuyan,
Director General, Institute of World Economics and Politics, CASS; and Ms. Shi Xuehua, Deputy
Director, European Division, International Cooperation Bureau, CASS.